About Us

The entrepreneur bug bit me (Melanie) almost 6 years ago when I was pregnant with our second son. I was teaching first grade and realized that my life was a constant state of living paycheck to paycheck.

I had zero control over my income. The only way I could make more money was to work more jobs or simply teach for more years. Not exactly the most inspiring way to look at the years ahead.

This was not the legacy I wanted to leave behind for our boys. 

It was my husband, Collin, who convinced me to take the leap. He's been my number one supporter, sounding board, and business partner every step of the way.

Over the years I've jumped around trying to find my place, my home in this crazy world of opportunities but I've finally landed back to where it all started.

Teaching and parenthood.

You see, I've been a teacher long before I ever graduated with a Masters Degree. It's simply who I am. Couple 10 years of classroom teaching experience and almost 8 years of parenting and I realized my home - my place in the world is helping Moms crush their goals both as Business Owners AND as parents.

Working harder, longer and beating yourself up doesn't have to be the answer.

Nor does missing out on the things that matter most.

We can help you.

Collin's gift is big picture strategy. Not crystal clear on your vision? He's got you covered. Need a sounding board? He's your man.

My gift is helping people craft goals - and not just those pie in the sky vision board goals that everyone says you need.

Instead, I focus on the goals that matter to YOU and FOR you. Not only that, my specialty is helping you IMPLEMENT and take ACTION on those goals by breaking them down into the weekly and even daily steps that need to happen to make those goals a reality.

Let me explain.

Have you ever invested in a coach who asks you, "What do you really want?" You answer. They help you clarify your vision and then give you all this fancy strategy. You walk away pumped and on fire but then Tuesday rolls around and you find yourself staring at your computer wondering how in the actual flip you're supposed to DO that? Like what tasks or steps need to happen to make those things on your heart happen or take your business to the next level goal you have in mind?

I get it. I've been there. And it's so frustrating.

You know you're smart, driven and for goodness sake you've invested more money than you'd care to admit learning new skills, technology, strategy and whatever else to reach your goals but year after year it isn't quite working out as you planned.

You make progress but you're constantly stressed, always working and that mom-guilt? It's never far away.

I finally realized after hiring a mentor - someone who was truly in my corner and more concerned about ME than flashing their coaching revenue that it was NOT that I wasn't smart enough.

It wasn't that I didn't have enough tools, technology or a big enough "team" of people to make it happen.

It wasn't that I wasn't dreaming big enough or working hard enough.

The problem? I was missing a PLAN! 

Imagine that - an action plan that actually helped me SEE specifically what needed to be done (and in what order). Not only that, it helped me prioritize and see what did NOT need to happen. Hello! That was such a freeing feeling. A plan without the big picture strategy is useless (it's like getting in a car to drive without knowing where you're headed). But the strategy without a plan is simply a wish.

THAT... that is why we do what we do. 

You CAN be freaking amazing at what you do AND be an awesome parent regardless of whether your kids are in diapers, dance shoes, cleats, or driving a car. 

The world needs you. Every day people need you and the services you offer.

You change lives.

You create legacies.

Without a plan and a mentor in your corner, you continue to play small, feel stressed and constantly wonder if you're enough.

Your impact is less. 

AND that is something I cannot lay my head on my pillow at night allowing. 

Knowledge is power. Let's change lives together - starting with yours.

You CAN have BOTH - a thriving business AND be a present parent.

Your clients need you.

Your kids deserve the best of you.

YOU deserve more of you.

And it all starts with a plan.

Helping mom business owners balance business and kids using strategic action plans to reach next level business goals without sacrificing sleep or sanity.



The Program



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