Money Making Momma

3 simple steps that helped me go from BUSY and BROKE to Proud, Peaceful and Profitable in my online business

What you'll get

Rinse & repeat 3 step process so your schedule can be as flexible as needed in each season of business & motherhood -- think school year vs summer, nursing infant vs older children needing an Uber driver to alllll the things, lol

Weekly schedule template to craft your personalized right-fit plan in under 30 minutes that includes self care, kid and business priorities

D.R.E.A.M. process that will help you optimize your time and focus on $$ making activities - 2 minute method to ditch busy, have more fun and make more money in your business

“By failing to plan, you are preparing to fail”

- Benjamin Franklin

Mom life is BUSY! 
Without meaning to, we can get caught up in just doing
without thought or strategy behind who/what gets our attention.

This leads to burnout, not prioritizing the things that matter and DOING but not EARNING.

Brianna implemented the Money Making Momma process.

See how it's working for her...

Increased annual revenue

by 67%

Without Sacrificing

“labeling my DREAM tasks is super helpful bc I can easily see what I'm missing (usually the M 😉) so I can make sure and put those in, move things around"

- Brianna

You might be thinking... Hold Up a Second...

I’m a mom... this sh*%’s bound to fail

  • Kid gets sick
  • School is canceled
  • LIFE happens

 Trust me, as a mom of 4 and Type A+ personality, I 100% get it! 🤪

That’s why I share with you 2 of my tried and true tips when crafting your schedule to avoid this! 

*HINT - I don’t plan every single minute of every day - that’s never gonna work as a mom!

Finally!! Someone who gets it! 🙌

Hi, I'm Melanie!

While I’m not singing along to country music or having a dance party with my 4 boys you can find me coaching moms with businesses to make more money while not sacrificing family in the process.

As a mom to 4 boys under the age of 9, I know how wild schedules can be.

I was running around constantly DOING but not making any money. 🙈

When I finally sat down and created my weekly schedule including empty space for things to run over or kids that get sick, I 9x’d my revenue in a year while spending more time fully present with my family.

I could finally put down my phone and relax with my husband in the evenings and take most weekends off guilt-free!

So excited for you to do the same!

Money Making Momma

The fastest way to craft and implement a schedule that allows you to have FUN as mom and create PROFIT as a business owner!

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