Conquering Chaos: The Path To Harmony

Training + Workbook + Planner Bundle

Learn how to ditch the overwhelm of juggling business growth and motherhood in under 1 hour!

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About The Bundle

Imagine if you could...

Set business goals that make sense for you at this stage of your business and your mom life journey

Plan your week without mom-guilt

Have a 2-minute hack to glance at your week and see where you're spending time (and maybe where you're not) No more busy weeks where you don't make money OR spend quality family with your family.

You're in luck! No long drawn-out trainings! In under an hour, I'll share with you the exact process I use for myself AND that I share with my private 1:1 clients.

What's included:

3 mini trainings (totaling only 49 minutes) - you're a busy mom. Who has time for more than that? 


CEO Schedule Templates - finally a schedule that embraces BOTH your roles - mom and business owner!

Mom Business Owner Planner - the planner I designed and use weekly as a mom to 4 young boys!

About Me

I'm a mom to 4 amazing, energetic boys, wife, former teacher and lover of all things beaches and red wine. 

After I left teaching (post 2nd child) and became an entrepreneur so I could spend more time with my boys, I realized that most coaches have no clue what it's like to build a business with kids around, let alone young ones.

I failed miserably. I worked 24/7, missed my 3rd son's entire newborn phase and swore I'd never do that again, nor let any other mom business owner feel that way either.

I don't subscribe to the hustle 24/7, sacrifice everything now for the payoff later mentality. Our kids are only young once.

It took me several failures, but I created a process that combines business strategy, goal setting, calendar organization and priorities that allows me to thrive as a profitable business owner AND as a mom. It's my honor and gift to share that process with you. You can be and do BOTH. You just need support from someone who gets it.

What People Are Saying

"You are helping set me up to be able to eventually do the things you are teaching me by myself- your systems are replicable. Your systems are simple to use/follow, but really effective."

Brianna K. - Owner of Full Circle Acupuncture

"I’m feeling less stressed. I’m not beating myself up as much anymore. I have less guilty feelings around not prioritizing my family or my work. It’s starting to feel a little more normal around here"

Aileen A. - Owner of The Focused CEO

Conquering Chaos:

The Path To Harmony

Training bundle by Melanie Donohoue

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